Freedom of Speech is Every Canadian’s Right
Yet millions of us are denied the power needed to
make our voices heard in parliament.
One-party rule censors dissent.
Only those with power are truly free.
Free Your Voice With
Proportional Representation
Under First Past the Post (FPTP), Canada’s current single-member electoral system,
one party represents each riding.
As one party speaks for everyone, dissenting views are silenced.
This denies most Canadians the right to be heard in parliament.
Canadians are represented by their Members of Parliament (MPs) through an
MP’s voting power in parliament.
This ability lets you have a say on issues you care about.
This is how an MP speaks
on your behalf.
Proportional Representation (PR) aims to provide freedom to Canadians by ensuring
multiple parties represent each riding.
This promotes political diversity
in the House of Commons.
More Canadians are now free to raise their politics in parliament.
Fight for freedom!
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